Trois critères de choix de l'huile hydraulique pour presse à injecter !


Machine de moulage par injectionest un processus de traitement du plastique, le traitement des polymères consommera beaucoup d'énergie et une grande quantité d'énergie sera également générée dans le dispositif de refroidissement, la compression d'air et d'autres liens. Une machine de moulage par injection à si grande consommation d'énergie nécessitera naturellement de l'huile hydraulique. Ont produit des normes très élevées, alors comment choisir l'huile hydraulique de la machine de moulage par injection ? Il existe trois grandes normes de référence !

L'un des critères de sélection de l'huile hydraulique pourmachine de moulage par injection: sélectionnez une huile hydraulique avec une viscosité et une température appropriées. Les exigences de viscosité de l'huile hydraulique au niveau du  temperature and starting temperature of the machine de moulage par injection are related to the fluidity of the hydraulic action of the machine de moulage par injection and the accuracy of the transmission, which directly affects the working efficiency of the machine de moulage par injection. Therefore, the hydraulic oil selection of the machine de moulage par injection should consider the viscosity and stability. Whether the performance meets the requirements of the production work, if it does not meet the requirements, it should be replaced in time. At the same time, according to different external environmental temperatures, it is also necessary to appropriately select the appropriate hydraulic oil.

Le deuxième critère de sélection de l'huile hydraulique pourmachine de moulage par injection: anti-wear hydraulic oil. Generally, under high-pressure work, it will increase the friction during work. Therefore, anti-wear hydraulic oil is a hard requirement. It can not only reduce friction on machine de moulage par injections. The damage can also improve work efficiency. At the same time, this hydraulic oil also has anti-rust and anti-oxidation effects. The anti-wear hydraulic oil that is given priority for machine de moulage par injections is generally No. 46 or No. 68.

Le troisième critère de sélection de l'huile hydraulique pourmachine de moulage par injection: the shear stability of the hydraulic oil. In the production process, the hydraulic oil will be severely sheared when passing through the micro-holes of the pump and valve. At this time, the performance and effect of the hydraulic oil will be damaged. Therefore, when the hydraulic oil is selected, the resistance to the hydraulic oil is Shearing capacity must have a high-demand selection standard, which has a good protective effect on maintaining the functionality of the machine de moulage par injection.

There are standards for selecting hydraulic oil, and there must be standards during the use of hydraulic oil. Some hydraulic oils have a reduced efficiency after being used for a period of time, so they must be replaced in time. The blackening of the hydraulic oil or the presence of some impurities in the hydraulic oil is to remind us that there has been a problem with the hydraulic oil. We must pay attention to timely supplement and replacement of the hydraulic oil. This is not only for the maintenance of the machine de moulage par injection, but also saves time and electricity. , An effective guarantee for work.
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